Tuesday, May 17, 2011

#2 Grilled Cheese Egg-in-Hole

a work of art.
 When I saw Serious Eats' post about their "Grilled Cheese Eggsplosion" a couple of months ago, that recipe went immediately onto my to-cook list! Sadly, it was a bit hard to gather the ingredients in an economical way while I was in the dorms, so I waited patiently for the right time. Since the end of classes, I've moved out of my dorm and into my apartment! Of course, I definitely had to go back home and stay with my family, so I used this opportunity to make this amazing dish!

I love eggs. I mean, I seriously love eggs. I even go so far as to say that it's my favorite food. So, seeing an egg embedded in a piece of toast with a lovely piece of cheese wedged in between was like seeing heaven come on earth. Such a yummy piece of goodness should've been taken away during the rapture. ;)

Grilled Cheese Egg-in-Hole

Ingredients (1 serving)
- 2 slices of bread
- 2 eggs
- 1 or 2 slices of cheese (I used 2 slices of American cheese, but choose whatever you want!)
- Pam (the recipe called for butter but I didn't have any butter)
- a pinch of salt

1) Cut holes out of the bread. I used the lid of a peanut butter jar to get the perfect circles, but my sister cut out hearts with a knife and they were so cute! <3
2) Put the stove on high heat and spray some Pam (or butter or oil)
3) Place the bread on the pan and toast until slightly brown.
4) Flip the bread and crack your eggs into the hole.
5) Change to medium heat and add the salt.
6) Flip the bread and fry the other side. Place the slice of cheese on top of one slice of bread. Once the other slice is cooked, place that slice on top of the cheese.
slightly burnt :(
7) Leave at low heat until the cheese is sufficiently melted and you're done!

the finished product <333
I love the brilliance of this combination and how everything is kept really compact. I used the leftover bread to make a miniature peanut butter and sugar sandwich (ran out of jam). I will definitely keep making this over and over again. It doesn't take too much time and it's compact which is great for a college student. I leave the yolk uncooked, but I might just break it and let it cook, so that it won't be too messy. Either way, awesome dish! Happy egging!

<3 Joanna Mei

credit: Serious Eats

Much love <333

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